
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Lesson #7: Platforms are the future

Platforms rock.

Fundraising for programs is old school: raise money, spend the money, raise more money, spend more money, wash rinse repeat. This is the way charities seemed to operate when I came along and, at the exact time we started my group, I watched as many bright and talented workers lost their jobs because multi-year projects came to an end. The days of three-year program funding came to an end, and now that program cycle is even shorter - 6-12 months from launch to completion. And all that talent and momentum is lost.

Increasingly, I think that “platforms” are the best focus for a start-up charity. Break the cycle of boom-bust that restricts an organization’s development. Use your assets to create platforms upon which staff, volunteers, and an engaged community can build. Once a platform is built, it becomes a launching pad for work, people, and ideas. You won’t succeed 100% of the time, but you won’t set yourself up for failure with each and every new program.

Lesson #8: Success creates more work, and that's a good thing

Lesson #6: Opportunity costs are very real